2006/2007 Plan
The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was developed during 2006 and 2007 through collaboration with the UARB and consultation with stakeholders.
The IRP is a resource plan which utilizes supply-side and demand-side options, to enable NS Power to meet future emissions and other requirements in a cost-effective and reliable manner. The planning horizon considered was 2007-2029. The IRP plan forms
the foundation for the Company's future investment decisions.
The Final IRP Report with Recommendation was filed with the UARB in July 2007. Links to the 3 volumes that formed the IRP Final Report are provided below.
The report includes:
- Background and the process overview
- Criteria for the various plans developed
- The load forecast of future supply requirements
- Sets of alternative supply-side and DSM alternatives to meet future emissions and other requirements
- Screening analysis to determine which alternatives are to be evaluated further as Plans in the IRP process.
- Evaluation of alternative plans in order to determine the least cost plan.
- Sensitivity analysis on the least cost plan and other selected plans to determine the robustness of the plans to variations in input assumptions.
- Selection of recommended plan to meet future emission requirements.
- Actions required over the next 3 to 5 years to meet load projections and other regulatory and environmental requirements.
The IRP analysis provides support that the Reference Plan, 5 percent DSM Plan with Renewables beyond the Nova Scotia Government's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) should be the Preferred Plan.
The steps of the IRP Action Plan are:
- Nova Scotia Power will initiate the development of a comprehensive DSM program, aimed at realizing the potential indicated in the IRP analysis.
- Nova Scotia Power will continue to work with the stakeholders to complete the Wind Integration Study.
- Nova Scotia Power will apply to the UARB for approval to commence with economic capital programs necessary to optimize the capacity and environmental performance of its existing generation fleet.
- Nova Scotia Power will continue to actively monitor technology developments both with respect to low impact generation technologies and environmental retrofit technologies.
- Nova Scotia Power will continue to explore opportunities to obtain additional clean power sources from within and outside the province.
- Nova Scotia Power will continue to participate in the development of the Federal Emissions framework.
Nova Scotia Power plans to update the IRP analysis once information from DSM implementation and the wind integration study is available and further clarity on the emissions framework is obtained. A report to the UARB on the status of the items included in the
Action Plan will be filed in approximately two years.
2009 IRP Update
Working towards a cleaner energy future for Nova Scotia Power requires a long-term plan for electricity generation.
Like many utilities in North America, NS Power uses an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) as a forecasting and planning tool. The IRP is used by NS Power to produce long-term plans for meeting the electricity requirements of Nova Scotians.
The 2009 IRP Update uses a 25-year load forecast to model the long-term electricity demand for Nova Scotia. Based on these load forecasts, the IRP develops various scenarios to help NS Power determine the best way to meet that demand, in a cost-effective
manner that is environmentally-compliant with Nova Scotia’s Renewable Energy Standard and emission regulations such as caps on carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and mercury.
Nova Scotia Power has analyzed the results of the 2009 IRP and developed an updated IRP Action Plan. The IRP Action Plan identifies conservation and energy efficiency programs, additional renewables such as wind, hydro and biomass, and updates to existing
energy generation facilities as important components for NS Power’s plans over the next 25 years.