Business Rates

Small, medium or large business, we’ve got a rate plan for you

We have rates for every type of business, including yours. Rates are based on the relative size of your business and the amount of power typically required to run that type of business. To help guide you through the process, we have broken out the rates below.

Commercial: educational institutions, businesses, retail stores, office buildings & more

Small Commercial (Small General Tariff): Rate 10

This is for businesses the annual usage is less than 45,000 kWh per year.

(Examples include: corner stores, small restaurants, etc.)



For customers that elect to take service under the Small General tariff, where the General tariff is otherwise applicable, the following conditions apply:

  • Customers must make a written request to take service under the Small General tariff.
  • Customers can switch rate classes twice in a 24-month period.
  • After switching, customers shall take service under this tariff for a minimum of six months subject to meeting the load threshold criteria.

Base Charge

$21.280 per month

Energy Charge

19.227¢ per kilowatt hour for the first 200 kilowatt hours per month
17.501¢ per kilowatt hour for all additional kilowatt hours

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM) 

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Minimum Monthly Charge

The minimum monthly charge shall be $21.280.

Sample Small General Bill

Energy Use kW.hCost per Month
(excluding taxes)

Seasonal Electric Service (Regulation 3.3)

The contract period for all seasonal accounts is from May 1 to October 31, in any calendar year. Electric service to seasonal customers will remain connected during the winter period from November 1, to the following April 30 and the base charge will not be billed during these winter months, nor will bills be rendered. Energy used beyond October 31 will be billed on the first regular billing after May 1, or the final bill, whichever comes first. A disconnection charge, as set fort in the Schedule of Charges, will be applied when the seasonal electric service is physically disconnected at the request of the customer. The standard connection charge will apply if electric service is subsequently reconnected.

Seasonal commercial electric service will apply to self-contained seasonal commercial businesses (i.e. campgrounds, ice cream barns, tourist bureaus, fixed and mobile canteens, kiosks, and federal/provincial park entrance booths). Seasonal commercial service is only available to customers taking service under the Small General Rate and NS Power is satisfied that the electric service is being used on a seasonal basis, not year round. 


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Commercial General Demand: Rate 11

This is for businesses with annual consumption over 32,000 kWh, and the regular billing demand is less than 2,000 kVA or 1,800 kW. 

(Examples include: retail stores, office buildings, schools, etc.)



This tariff is applicable to electric power and energy where the annual consumption is 32,000 kWh or greater and for which no other rates are applicable.

For General tariff customers eligible for the Small General tariff the following conditions apply:

  • Customers must make a written request to take service under the Small General tariff.
  • Customers can switch rate classes twice in a 24-month period.
  • After switching, customers shall take service under this tariff for a minimum of six months subject to meeting the load threshold criteria.

Demand Charge

$10.554 per month per kilowatt of maximum demand

Energy Charge

15.623 ¢ per kilowatt hour for the first 200 kilowatt hours per month per kilowatt of maximum demand
12.326 ¢ per kilowatt hour for all additional kilowatt hours

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Maximum per kW.h Charge / Minimum Bill

The maximum charge per kW.h will be that for a billing load factor of 10% except that the minimum monthly bill shall not be less than $21.280.

Sample General Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Large Commercial (Large General Tariff): Rate 12

This rate is available for larger businesses for any use (except industrial) where the regular billing demand is 2,000 kVA or 1,800 kw and over.

(Examples include: universities, shopping malls, large office buildings, etc.)



This tariff is applicable to three phase electric power and energy supplied at the low voltage side of the bulk power transformer to any industrial customer having a regular billing demand of 2,000 kV.A or 1,800 kW, and over.

Demand Charge

$13.845 per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand of the current month or the maximum actual demand of the previous December, January or February occurring in the previous eleven (11) months.

Energy Charge

12.297¢ per kilowatt hour.

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Minimum Monthly Charge

The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of $21.280.

Sample Large General Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load Factor ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Industrial: electricity as an energy source in manufacturing

Small Industrial: Rate 21

Consumption for industrial use, including farming and processing, where the regular billing demand is less than 250 kVA or 225 kW.


This tariff is applicable to electric power and energy supplied to any customer, for industrial use, including farming and processing, where the regular billing demand is less than 250 kV.A or 225 kW.

Demand Charge

$8.332 per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand

Energy Charge

14.626¢ per kilowatt hour for the first 200 kilowatt hours per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand
12.052¢ per kilowatt hour for all additional kilowatt hours

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Maximum per kW.h Charge / Minimum Bill

The maximum charge per kW.h will be that for a billing load factor of 10% except that the minimum monthly bill shall not be less than $21.280.

Sample Small Industrial Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load Factor ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Medium Industrial: Rate 22

Consumption for any industrial customer having a regular billing demand greater than 249 kVA (224 kW), but less than 2,000 kVA (1,800 kW).


This tariff is applicable to electric power and energy supplied to any industrial customer having a regular billing demand greater than 249 kV.A (224 kW) but less than 2,000 kV.A (1,800 kW), and for which no other tariffs are applicable.

Demand Charge

$13.796 per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand

Energy Charge

11.358¢ per kilowatt hour

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Minimum Monthly Charge

The minimum monthly charge shall be $21.280.

Sample Medium Industrial Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load Factor ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Large Industrial (Real Time Pricing)

Available to customers on three phase electric power with a regular billing demand of 2,000 kV.A or 1,800 kW, and over.


Real Time Pricing tariffs are electricity prices that vary hourly according to Nova Scotia Power's varying cost of generation. This provides customers an opportunity to reduce electricity costs by managing their consumption to take advantage of lower priced electricity during off-peak periods (overnight, weekends and holidays).


Real Time Pricing Tariffs are available to customers who have loads of 2,000 KVA or 1,800 KW and over. 

Demand Charge


Energy Charge

Based on the company's actual hourly marginal energy costs, plus the following fixed cost adders for on-peak and off-peak usage: 

Extra High Voltage

Available to customers served at transmission voltage of 138 kV or higher.
    On-peak (7:00am - 11:00pm, non-holiday weekdays) - 5.071 ¢ kWh
    Off-peak (11:00pm - 7:00am, non-holiday weekdays) - 0.475 ¢ kWh 

High Voltage

Available to customers served at transmission voltage of 69 kV.
    On-peak (7:00am - 11:00pm, non-holiday weekdays) - 6.813 ¢ kWh
    Off-peak (11:00pm - 7:00am, non-holiday weekdays) - 0.828 ¢ kWh 

Distribution Voltage

Available to customers served at distribution voltage less than 69 kV.
    On-peak (7:00am - 11:00pm, non-holiday weekdays) - 8.991 ¢ kWh
    Off-peak (11:00pm - 7:00am, non-holiday weekdays) - 2.582 ¢ kWh

Weekend and holiday fixed cost adders are set at the off-peak price during all hours of the day.

These adders shall be developed annually based on budgeted costs and submitted to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board for approval. 


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.

Large Industrial: Rate 23



Available to customers with three phase electric power and energy supplied at the low voltage side of the bulk power transformer to any industrial customer having a regular billing demand of 2,000 kV.A or 1,800 kW, and over.

Demand Charge

$12.601 per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand of the current month or the maximum actual demand of the previous December, January or February occurring in the previous eleven (11) months. 

Distribution Cost Adder

$1.632 per month per kilovolt ampere of maximum demand of the current month or the maximum actual demand of the previous December, January or February occurring in the previous eleven (11) months. For customers connected at distribution level. 

Energy Charge

11.229¢ per kilowatt hour for firm sales
11.206¢ per kilowatt hour for interruptible sales

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Minimum Monthly Charge

The minimum monthly charge shall be the greater of $21.280 or the demand charge./p>

Sample Medium Industrial Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load Factor ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Large Industrial Interruptible Rider (LIIR): R25

Available to customers who have a minimum regular billing demand of 2,000 kV.A at 90% Power Factor.



This rider will be available to a minimum regular billing demand of 2 000 kV.A at 90% Power Factor, under the following terms and conditions:

  1. The customer has provided written notice of his desire to take service under this option, identifying that portion of the load that is to be firm and that portion that is to be interruptible (minimum 2,000 kV.A).
  2. The customers will reduce their available interruptible system load by the amount requested by NSP within ten (10) minutes of such request by the Company.
  3. Following interruption, service may only be restored by the customer with approval of the Company.
  4. Failure to comply in whole or in part with a request to interrupt load will result in penalty charges. The penalty charge shall be twice the cost of the appropriate firm billing effective at that time for the consumption used in that billing period.
  5. Should any customer under this rider desire to be served under any appropriate firm service rate, a five (5) year advance written notice must be given to the Company so as to ensure adequate capacity availability. Requests for conversion to firm service will be treated in the same manner as all other requests for firm service received by the Company. The Company may, however, permit an earlier conversion. In the event that the Customer desires to return to interruptible service in the future, the Customer may convert to interruptible service following two (2) years of service under the firm tariff. The Company may permit an earlier conversion from firm to interruptible service.
  6. Interruption is limited to 16 hours per day and 5 days per week to a maximum of 30% of the hours per month and 15% of the hours in a year.

Demand Discount

Customers who qualify for interruptible service will receive a $7.486 per month per kilovolt ampere reduction in demand charge for billed interruptible demand. The billed interruptible demand is defined as the difference between any contracted firm demand requirements and the total billing demand. Where the billing demand is less than the contracted firm demand, no interruptible credit shall apply. The billed interruptible demand will be the maximum interruptible demand of the current month or the maximum actual interruptible demand of the previous December, January or February occurring in the previous eleven (11) months. 

Sample Interruptible Rider Unit Cost

The average unit cost to the customer varies according to the billing demand and energy relationship measured by “ Load Factor ”. Average unit costs (¢/kW.h) are shown for a range of load factors. Monthly customer cost = ¢/kW.h x consumption (kW.h).

Load Factor¢/kW.h
(excluding taxes)


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Charitable Organizations, Street & Recreational Lighting

Charitable Organizations: Rate 4

This rate is available to businesses that qualify as charitable or not-for-profit organizations.



The following rates are applicable to senior citizen's clubs, service clubs, volunteer fire departments, Royal Canadian Legions, community halls, recreational facilities owned by a community and used for general community purposes or religious institutions  and a non-profit farmers’ market with a valid public market who qualify as a Charitable Organization under Subsection 3 of Section 73 of the Public Utilities Act, R.S.N.S. 1987, C380, as amended.

Customer Charge

$19.170 per month

Energy Charge

18.561¢ per kilowatt hour.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill.  To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Minimum Monthly Charge

The minimum monthly charge shall be $19.170.

COMPLETE THE Charitable Organization Application Form

Sample Charitable Organization Bill

Energy Use kW.hCost per Month
(excluding taxes)

((100 kWh x 18.561 ¢) + $19.17



Seasonal Electric Service (Regulation 3.3)

The contract period for all seasonal accounts is from May 1 to October 31, in any calendar year. Electric service to seasonal customers will remain connected during the winter period from November 1, to the following April 30 and the base charge will not be billed during these winter months, nor will bills be rendered. Energy used beyond October 31 will be billed on the first regular billing after May 1, or the final bill, whichever comes first. A disconnection charge, as set fort in the Schedule of Charges, will be applied when the seasonal electric service is physically disconnected at the request of the customer. The standard connection charge will apply if electric service is subsequently reconnected.


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Outdoor Recreation Lighting

This rate is available to all outdoor recreational lighting for the period of May through October only.


Energy Charge

19.284¢ per kilowatt hour for all metered kilowatt hours per month. 

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Street and Area Lighting

These selected rates shall be applicable to the NSP supply, operation and maintenance of street and area lighting. These selected rates apply to fixtures operating for approximately 4,000 hours per year. Maintenance does not include globe washing or cleaning. Repair or replacement of parts or bulbs necessitated by vandalism will be charged to the customer.


Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Low Pressure Sodium




High Pressure Sodium  



Metallic Additive



Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Operating Only 



Light Emitting Diode (LED) less than 30 watts for Traffic Control Signals only



Light Emitting Diode (LED) - Operating and Capital Only (Municipal Customers)




Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules. 


Miscellaneous Lighting and Small Loads

This tariff shall be applicable to the energy usage of lighting units not provided for under the Street and Area Lighting rate. A flat rate shall be calculated for any service requiring the supply of power and energy only, with a predeterminable usage, and where metering is considered to be impractical, such as: Telephone Booths, Cable Vision Power Supplies, Traffic Control Lights, Police Telephones, Railway Signals, etc.


Demand Charge

$12.314 per month per kilowatt of connected load.

Energy Charge

17.220¢ per kilowatt hour for the first 200 kilowatt hours per month per kilowatt of connected load.

12.488¢ per kilowatt hour for all additional kilowatt hours.

Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

The FAM Actual Adjustment (AA) and Balance Adjustment (BA) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the FAM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) 

The Demand Side Management Cost Recovery Rider (DCRR) charges or credits (in cents per kilowatt-hour) applicable to the Tariff for the current rate year, shown in the DSM Tariff, shall apply. These charges are accounted for within the energy charge on your bill. To view the cents per kilowatt-hour charge, click here.

Maximum Per kW.h Charge / Minimum Bill

The maximum charge per kW.h will be that for a billing load factor of 10% except that the minimum monthly bill for the electric power and energy portion of the Miscellaneous Lighting and Small Loads tariff shall be $21.280 per month if such unmetered service is billed separately from any metered account.


Tariffs, rates and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM)

This schedule is a mandatory rider to electric rate schedules, except for the following tariffs: Generation Replacement and Load Following, Extra High Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing, High Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing, and Distribution Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing


The Fuel Adjustment Mechanism is a program regulated by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. It ensures your bill accurately reflects the true costs of producing electricity. Every year, NS Power forecasts the fuel costs of producing electricity. It’s an estimate and like any estimate, it may turn out to be too high or too low. When we tally up the actual fuel costs of producing power for the year, we use these numbers to calculate a new energy rate. Your rate may go down or it may go up.

    FAM_April 2024



    This schedule is a mandatory rider to all-electric rate schedules, except the following tariffs: Generation Replacement and Load Following, Extra High Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing, High Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing, and Distribution Voltage Time-of-Use Real Time Pricing. Fuel Adjustment Mechanism (FAM) adjustments will apply to the Standard Energy Charge of the Extra Large Industrial 2P-RTP tariff. FAM adjustments will apply to Additional Energy supplied under the Mersey System Agreement when Additional Energy is priced at a tariff to which FAM adjustments apply.


    The applicable charges by rate class, effective January 1, 2025, are as follows:

    Rate ClassActual Adjustment ("AA") in cents per kWh Balance Adjustment ("BA") in cents per kWh FAM AA/BA Combined in cents per kWh
    Domestic Service, Domestic Service Time-of-Day, Domestic Service Time of Use, Domestic Service Critical Peak Pricing0.4670.156
    Small General, Small General Time of Use, Small General Critical Peak Pricing0.396
    General, General Time of Use, General Critical Peak Pricing0.392
    Large General0.359
    Small Industrial0.3940.144
    Medium Industrial0.358
    Large industrial Firm0.3660.2470.613
    Large Industrial Interruptible 0.3660.224
    Outdoor Recreation Lighting0.4130.1560.569
    Unmetered Services0.4130.1560.569



    Tariffs, rates, and descriptors shown are for information purposes only. Official tariffs as per Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board approved Rates and Regulations schedules.


    Time-Varying Pricing Rate Pilot Program

    Our Time-of-Use and Critical Peak rate plans provide an opportunity for you to shift some of your energy use from peak hours to off-peak hours. Applications for the Time-of-Use Rate Pilot and Critical Peak Pricing Rate Pilot are now closed.

    Changes to Power Rates

    On February 18, 2025, the energy rate changed.   

    This increase is for the cost of fuel used to generate electricity. Fuel costs are included in the energy rate on your bill.  

    Why are rates changing?  

    Fuel is an important part of generating electricity. It’s why a portion of our power rates include the cost of the fuel and other energy generation we need to purchase to make electricity. Many different forms of fuel are used to make electricity, such as coal, oil, natural gas, biomass, wind, and hydro. When the cost of fuel changes, the cost of producing electricity may go up or down. Over the past couple of years, we have seen a huge increase in fuel costs due to global factors outside of Nova Scotia.  

    What does this mean for my bill? 

    • The Base Charge is a set charge for the cost of delivering electricity and maintain electricity service. There is no change to the Base Charge in 2025. It remains at $19.17 per month or $38.83 for bi-monthly billing.  
    • The Energy Rate has changed for all customers. For standard residential customers, the energy rate changed from $0.18094 per kWh to $0.18561 per kWh. To learn more about how this rate change impacts your bill, click on your rate program below.  


    For Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our Changes to Power Rates page.