Customer Research and Feedback

Customer Research and Feedback

Graphic with 'Customer Advisory Panel' writing

Our Customer Advisory Panel is a community of people we consult on a regular basis. Joining the panel is completely voluntary. By joining you will help us to better understand your needs and expectations so we can continue to improve the service we provide to our residential customers throughout the province of Nova Scotia. We are always looking for more customers to join the panel.

Learn more about the Customer Advisory Panel by visiting our Frequently Asked Questions.

Join the Panel

Current Research and Surveys

Stay informed about what research and surveys we are currently conducting.

NameObjectiveFrequency & MethodAudienceAdministered By
Transactional ResearchGauge customers' opinions about their recent interactions with Nova Scotia Power and partners. 


Via phone or email

Randomly selected customers from Nova Scotia Power who have had a recent service interaction.Touchlogic or Nova Scotia Power
Customer Satisfaction SurveyGauge customers' overall opinions about Nova Scotia Power.


via phone or email

Randomly selected customers of Nova Scotia Power.Narrative Research
Customer Advisory PanelGain better understanding of your needs and expectations.


via email or phone

Members of Customer Advisory Panel.Narrative Research

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