Choose active transportation


It’s never been easier to choose active transportation


If your goal is to minimize your carbon footprint and live an active lifestyle, one of the best changes you can make is to choose active transportation—like cycling. More and more people are choosing cycling ever since electric bicycles, or eBikes, came on the market. 


How eBikes work

An eBike is a bicycle with an integrated battery-powered electric motor. You can still pedal the bike like normal, but you can also turn on the power assist to give you a boost when you want it—even the full ride. Battery capacity varies, but most eBikes will give you a range between 30km and 150km. When the battery runs low, you simply remove it, bring it inside, and plug it into a standard power outlet to charge it again—most charge within 3.5 to 6 hours.

The Benefits of eBikes

eBikes can give you all the benefits of cycling
Compared to driving a car, bicycles—eBikes included—come with a ton of benefits, to you and to society. First of all, it’s fun! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of freedom and joy that comes with biking. As long as you do some peddling, it’s also healthy—cycling will improve your overall fitness, help you lose weight, and improve your cardiovascular health. eBiking is a sustainable choice, since it uses very little energy (aside from the energy your body uses), and isn’t as damaging to road surfaces as cars are. Finally, it helps make cycling safer for everyone, because the more people who choose cycling, the more visible cyclists are on the road to drivers.

It’s biking made easy
eBikes assist your pedalling with a motor, making it easier to do the things that are difficult on a regular bike. First, eBikes make it easy to get where you’re going faster. With a range of up to 150km, eBikes can also help you go farther—so if you’ve dismissed the idea of commuting to work by bike because it’s just too far, the eBike can help you cover that distance. They also make it easier to get up those hills and to haul a trailer or child carrier. With an eBike, you can do it all without breaking a sweat!

eBikes are affordable
A good-quality eBike costs more than a standard bicycle because of the integrated battery and motor—expect to pay from $1,000 to $4,000. But given how little energy it needs compared to driving, and how much you’ll save over time, an eBike can pay for itself very quickly. Plus, you get all the other benefits of cycling at the same time. Some people may even choose to forgo a car altogether when they get used to the convenience of an eBike. 

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