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Plugged In: Energy news, tips & ideas

Energy Efficient Products for Your Home

A white heat pump

Heat Pump

The most efficient way to heat your home since they move hot and cold air around rather than produce it.
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An electric thermal storage

Electric Thermal Storage

Pair with our time-of-day rate to store heat overnight when rates are over 40% lower and enjoy comfortable heat throughout the day.
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heat pump water heater

Water Heater

Can be electric, or part of an efficient heat pump home heating system, and can even take advantage of solar heat. We can help you find the right water heater for your needs.
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Gray lightbulb icon Colour lightbulb icon

Did You Know?

Through our Five-Year Reliability Plan, we're investing $1.3 billion in upgrades and improvements. In particular, $265 million towards tree trimming and clearing and $916 million towards equipment replacements and upgrades, both of which will strengthen and harden our power grid against adverse weather and storms. Learn how we maintain, strengthen, and continue to improve our system >